Talk To Me

Effectively communicating with your clients to generate sales and nurture lasting relationships

Are you communicating with your ideal client? We’ve talked about it before that being a solo-prenuer is hard! You have to wear many hats especially in the beginning! Effective communication can be overwhelming especially with all the different platforms and advice out there.

Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success. Paul J. Meyer

A major key to success of your small business is communicating with your ideal client (If you’re confused on what an ideal client is visit our Instagram and check out the information we have on that there).

We think there is 3 main pillars you to focus on when thinking about reaching and engaging with your ideal client that will really be a game changer in your business. In person, on social, and in inboxes is where most of your efforts should be geared toward effectively engaging and converting Luke warm customers into hot tamales.


In person meetings are not dead! One of our favorite ways of meeting new people and clients, is going out into the community where our ideal clients hangout, and are going to be and talking and introducing ourselves.

You would be AMAZED how many more clients will book, buy, trust you after meeting you in person. I love just having casual conversations with other small businesses and really getting to know the owner behind the company.

Remember the reason your clients are choosing you in a crowded niche or market is because of you & who YOU are! Be yourself and get out there and introduce yourself and your business.

Social media

Yes, social media presence is a must! No matter what industry you’re in you need to be on social media in some form or faucet. What you don't need to do is rely on social media as your end all be all form of communication.

Frequently we see small businesses that post once or twice a week on Instagram and think that this is the type of communication that is solely going to transform their business. Social media is important but it is made to nurture the clients or potential clients you might have.

If you haven't already head over to our blog post Choosing The Right Social Platform For Your Business to read more about choosing the right platform for your business and how different social media platforms work for different needs and niches.

Your social media presence should be a place to showcase in an aesthetic manner what you do as well as a place where you can direct them from that social media channel to your direct website or landing page. We say over and over that social media is a good avenue to talk to be and get your voice out there but the amount of followers you have on any given channel does you no good if not directed to something you own (your website/landing page).

Social media should also be a place of support. More than just posting and showcasing yourself you should be genuinely commenting on posts, answering DMs, ENGAGING! The more you utilize these platforms in a genuine way the more eyes you can have on your business and then turn those eyes to your businesses personal assets and generate sales overtime.

Email Marketing

If you've been with us long enough you know the emphasis we put on email marketing. As a small business you have to build assets that you own. Social media following you do not own and cant move around with you. An email list is a valuable asset that you can take with you and move clients to wherever you need to move them to.

Also, not just the movement aspect but emails are personal. It is a privilege to get someone's email and be in their personal email inbox. From there you need to communicate and nurture the relationship. Think of it like a conversation. Let them know who you are and how frequently you will be popping in their inbox.

In those email conversations talk to your people! Besides selling (which is highly effective from email campaigns) you need to be providing knowledge and useful information weekly to your tribe. Provide insider secrets and special information to these people that your general social media audience doesn't have access to.

In a subscriber subscribing to your email list they are telling you they are interested. They are giving you permission into their world and want to hear more about what you have to say. They want to speak to you.

Human Connection

Overall as humans we crave connection and communication. I don't know about you but I'm a talker! I love networking and talking and listening to other peoples stories and learning from them.

As a small business your clients and customers are the same way. They want to speak to you know that you're real, and will trust and purchase from you because of the actual humans and morals and values behind the product/services.

If you take one thing from this post it's to engage and speak to your people. We can promise that your business will grow leaps and bounds from this. it doesn't have to be perfect communication but any communication in these areas listed above is better than none.

Corina Moore

Wife & Mama to 3 Littles! Local to Jax, Fl!

I build Stunning + Strategic Websites for passionate small business owners and NGOs!

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